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沈百荣  执行院长

Bairong Shen  Executive Dean

2018年起任四川大学华西医院系统遗传研究院执行院长。1997年复旦大学博士毕业留校、1999年任副教授;2000年转向生物医学信息学研究并任职芬兰坦佩雷大学(2004助理教授/副教授)、同济大学(2005-2008,教授、博导)和苏州大学(2008-2018,教授、校级研究中心主任)等。 2008年回国以来主持重大项目和基金委项目等10多项、在Bioinformatics,Genome Biology, Journal of Translational Medicine, Nucleic Acids Research, Briefings in Bioinformatics等不同学科国际杂志上发表论文100多篇,出版英文著作4部、中文著作1部。兼任美国西雅图系统生物学研究所教授、中国生物信息学会联合体副理事长中华医学会医学信息学分会常务理事、四川省生物信息学学会理事长、四川省医学会医学信息主委会主任委员、基金委二审专家、卫计委精准医学重大项目评审专家等,回国后已经培养博士、硕士研究生50多人。2012年以来在国际上倡导转化生物医学信息学、促进医学与生物信息学、医学信息学的融合,是国际转化生物医学信息学系列会议(ICTBI)的创始主席。

Since 2018, he has been Professor & Executive Director General of Institutes for Systems Genetics, West China Hospital of Sichuan University. In 1997, he graduated from Fudan University with a Ph.D. and served as an associate professor in 1999. In 2000, he moved to biomedical informatics area and worked at the University of Tampere, Finland (2004 Assistant Professor/Associate Professor), Tongji University (2005-2008, Professor, Ph.D.) and Soochow University (2008-2018, professor, director of Center for Systems Biology) and so on. Since returning to China in 2008, he has hosted more than 10 major projects and national fund projects, and published more than 100 papers in international journals such as Bioinformatics, Genome Biology, Journal of Translational Medicine, Nucleic Acids Research, Briefs in Bioinformatics. He has published 4 works in English and 1 work in Chinese. He is also a professor at the Institute of Systems Biology in Seattle, the executive director & vice chairman of the China Society of Bioinformatics, the executive director of the Medical Information Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, the vice chairman of the Computing Systems Biology Branch of the China Operations Research Society, the first director of the Information Society, the second-instance expert of the Fund Committee, and the expert of the major project of precision medicine for the Health Planning Commission, etc. He has trained more than 50 doctoral and master students after returning to China. Since 2012, he has been advocating translational biomedical informatics, promoting the fusion of medical and bioinformatics and medical informatics internationally. He is the founding chairman of the International Conference on Transforming Biomedical Informatics (ICTBI).