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Sandro José de Souza  

Sandro José de Souza  

Sandro José de Souza现任巴西北里奥格兰德联邦大学(Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte)大脑研究所生物信息学教授、生物信息学多学科环境中心主任,是巴西基因组学和生物信息学领域的先驱。Sandro José de Souza教授1993年博士毕业于巴西圣保罗大学,1995.01-1998.06在美国哈佛大学进行博士后研究工作,1998.09-2003.03在路德维希癌症研究所圣保罗分部计算生物学实验室担任助理教授,2003.04被聘为副教授,2011年任芝加哥大学客座讲授,2012年加入北里奥格兰德联邦大学任教授。1995-1998年在哈佛大学期间获得“Pew Latin American Fellow”奖项,2009年获得世界经济论坛“Young Global Leader”奖。发表论文140多篇,引用3000多次,h指数32。  

Sandro J. de Souza教授是一名生物学家,拥有巴西圣保罗大学生物化学和分子生物学的博士学位。他担任过哈佛大学的皮尤拉丁美洲研究员(1995-1998),在那里他和诺贝尔奖得主Walter Gilbert共事。他在他的家乡巴西是基因组学和生物信息学领域的先驱。1995年到2012年,他在路德维格癌症研究所担任高级会员,在那里他协调了人类癌症基因组计划,是2000年代世界上第二大的癌症测序项目。
他主要的科研兴趣是癌症基因组学和进化生物学。他在国际期刊上发表了130多篇文章并在巴西和海外培育了一批年轻的科学家。de Souza教授在基因进化和癌症基因组学领域作出了重要的贡献。
他在巴西的报纸和杂志发表过若干篇文章,呼吁群众意识到科学与技术的重要性。他是《达尔文的歌莉娅大》("A Goleada de Darwin")和《超越理性和边界:全球神创论的兴起》("Beyond Reason and Borders: the rise of global creationism")的作者,他在这些著作里讨论了科学教学中神创论的危害。

• 世界经济论坛(the World Economic Forum)的全球青年领袖(Young Global Leader);
• 芝加哥大学 的廷克基金(Tinker)客座教授;
• 2019年9月被四川大学华西医院疾病系统遗传研究院聘为特聘教授。

Professor Sandro J. de Souza is a biologist with a Ph.D in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from the University of São Paulo in Brazil. He was a Pew Latin American Fellow at Harvard University (from 1995 to 1998) where he worked with Nobel laureate Walter Gilbert. He is a genomics and bioinformatics pioneer in Brazil, his home country. From 1995 to 2012, he was a Senior Member at the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research where he co-coordinated the Human Cancer Genome Project, the second largest cancer sequencing project in the world in the early 2000's.

More recently (from 2013 to present) he is a Professor of Bioinformatics at Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte where he founded the Bioinformatics Multidisciplinary Environment (BioME), a bioinformatics center with 12 PIs and more than a 100 students.

His major scientific interests are cancer genomics and evolutionary biology. He has more than 130 papers in international journals and has formed dozens of young scientists in Brazil and abroad. Professor de Souza has made important contributions in the field of gene evolution and cancer genomics.

He has several articles in Brazilian newspapers and magazines advocating for an increase in the awareness of the lay-people for the importance of science and technology. He is the author of  "A Goleada de Darwin" (in Portuguese) and "Beyond Reason and Borders: the rise of global creationism", books in which he discusses the danger of creationism for science teaching.

Major awards include: Young Global Leader from the World Economic Forum, Tinker Visiting Professor at University of Chicago and Distinguished Professor at Institute of Systems Genetics, West China Hospital, Sichuan University.