Shuang Wang

王爽博士,四川大学华西医院疾病系统遗传研究院特聘教授。杭州锘崴信息科技有限公司创始人。曾任加州大学圣地亚哥分校教授。IEEE高级会员,国际同态加密协会创始委员,四川省生物信息学学会数据共享与安全分会副会长,多项国内国际隐私计算标准发起人,拥有多项国际国内专利。目前世界上最大规模的iDASH全球隐私计算竞赛发起人,该赛事被自然杂志、GenomeWeb等媒体多次报道。主要研究方向包含联邦学习,可信计算环境(TEE),多方安全计算,同态加密,差分隐私。他领导开发的基于安全联邦学习的跨国基因数据安全分析系统曾获得Intel杰出贡献奖。先后在国内外旗舰期刊发表著作100余篇,累计被引用3695次(2021/10 Google Scholar)。担任领域内的旗舰杂志Nature Biotechnology, Nature Communication, JAMIA等的审稿人和 PLOS Genetics客座编辑, BMC Medical Genomics 特刊主编。曾主持或者参与数千万美金的NIH, PCORI, AHRQ项目。
Dr. Shuang Wang is a professor at the Institutes for Systems Genetics, West China Hospital. He is also a co-founder, President and CTO of NVXClouds. He was awarded the Overseas high-level young talents in 2018. He was an assistant professor at University of California San Diego. He is a senior member of IEEE, the Founding Committee of International Homomorphic Encryption Standardization and the Vice President of Data Sharing and Security Branch of Sichuan Bioinformatics Society. He has also initiated several domestic and international privacy-preserving computing standards. He is also the co-founder of iDASH global privacy protection competition, which has been reported by Nature News and GenomeWeb. His research interests include federated learning, Trusted Execution Environments (TEE), secure multiparty computation, Homomorphic Encryption, Differential privacy. He has published more than 100 research articles on data privacy with more than 3695 citations by Google Scholar 2021/10. He received an outstanding achievement award due to his research on secure international genomic data analysis using TEE from Intel Corporation. He served as a reviewer for flagship journals in the field, such as Nature Biotechnology, Nature Communication, JAMIA, as well as, guest editor of PLOS Genetics, and editor-in-chief of a special issue of BMC Medical Genomics. As the PI or Co-I, he has participated in several NIH, PCORI, AHRQ grants for data privacy research with tens of millions USD support.